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Pedestrian accident claims a life

On Behalf of | May 29, 2018 | Firm News, Pedestrian Accidents

It would likely be difficult to find a Connecticut resident who has never ended up, at one point or another, walking along a road at night. Sometimes, it is more convenient to travel on foot to a destination; on other occasions, an issue with a vehicle results in a person having to walk to reach safety. Whatever the reason, when walkers meet the road, there is an increased risk for a pedestrian accident.

On May 19, a 50-year-old man was walking along the shoulder of Route 15, the Merritt Parkway. He was struck by a car. When Connecticut State Police arrived at the scene, they found the pedestrian laying in the middle of the road. The vehicle that struck the man had been pulled over on the opposite shoulder.

The pedestrian suffered severe injuries and was pronounced dead at the scene. The accident remains under investigation. Exactly what may have caused the collision was not reported.

In most cases, a pedestrian accident is far more harmful to the victim than the driver at fault. When a car strikes a human being, it can cause devastating injury or death. When such a tragedy occurs, it is normal for the family of a victim to feel helpless and overwhelmed. In some cases, victims and their families find it helpful to look for assistance in the form of an experienced personal injury attorney. An attorney may be able to help victims and their families manage the legal aspects of an accident, including a wrongful death claim in civil court when circumstances warrant.

Source: wtnh.com, “Pedestrian hit, killed on Merritt Parkway”, Kels Dayton, May 19, 2018


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