Assertive Defense Against The Full Range Of Drug Charges
The range of drug charges is wide: from misdemeanor marijuana possession to federal charges of drug distribution and trafficking. But any drug charge can have serious consequences. Whatever drug charge you may be facing, whether in state or federal court, you should consult an experienced drug charge defense attorney immediately.
You have heard the cops say it to suspects on TV: “Whatever you say can and will be used against you.” In real life, pay attention to the warning and before answering any question from a police officer about a suspected drug crime, talk to a lawyer. The experienced criminal defense lawyers at Jacobs & Dow, LLC, in New Haven, Connecticut, work to obtain the best possible outcome for every client accused of a drug charge.
An Arrest On A Narcotics Charge Carries Serious Penalties
Even a relatively minor charge like marijuana possession can result in a criminal record. More serious charges can lead to fines and imprisonment. At our law firm, our first concern is to keep you out of jail until we can investigate the case, protect your rights, and challenge the evidence against you.
Our criminal defense lawyers will work to protect your future by getting the charges dismissed or reduced. If there is an opportunity for a pretrial diversion program, we will explain the options available and the requirements. If successful in pretrial diversion, you may avoid a conviction and a criminal record.
No matter what the charge or the drug involved — marijuana, cocaine, crack, meth, heroin, ecstasy or illegal prescription drugs — our criminal defense attorneys will protect your rights work for the best possible outcome.
Ask For A Free Consultation With A Criminal Defense Lawyer: (866) 221-1375
To schedule an appointment and discuss your case and the legal options available to you, contact our firm today. In addition to weekday office hours, we are open for client meetings on Saturday mornings and by appointment on Sundays, holidays and evenings.