Jacobs & Dow, LLC

Call (866) 221-1375 or 203-772-3100 To Arrange A Consultation

Jacobs & Dow, LLC


Decades Of Experience
In Personal Injury, Criminal Law And Other Legal Matters

We Help Patients Who Suffered A Preventable Infection After Surgery

Making it through a surgery successfully is only the first step toward restoring your health. The recovery process can also lead to serious injuries. It is the responsibility of your doctor to monitor your status and look out for possible infection. The failure to evaluate your condition and respond with proper treatment could be malpractice. An experienced lawyer can help you protect your rights.

At Jacobs & Dow, LLC, our New Haven postoperative malpractice attorneys can evaluate your case and make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Our lawyers understand the basic level of care that every patient should receive, and we know how to make sure negligent doctors, surgeons and hospitals are held responsible.

Have You Been The Victim Of Post-Surgery Malpractice?

When something goes wrong with your recovery, you know it. You may not know exactly what went wrong or how you ended up in your current condition, but you know that something is wrong. With more than 60 years of experience protecting Connecticut surgical malpractice victims, we can help you identify what went wrong after your surgery.

We work with medical experts across the state that can help us conduct a thorough investigation into your case. If a doctor failed to notice your symptoms or failed to respond in the proper manner, we will make sure he or she is held responsible, so you get the compensation you need to help you in your recovery.

At Jacobs & Dow, LLC, we handle all medical malpractice claims on a contingency basis; there is no cost to you unless we get you fair compensation. Until that time, we will take care of all your legal concerns and make sure you have access to proper medical care.

Ask For A Free Consultation With A Postoperative Mistake Lawyer: (866) 221-1375

A post-surgery mistake can be every bit as dangerous as a surgical error. If you believe you have been the victim of malpractice, do not hesitate to take action. Open during weekly business hours, we are available at our New Haven offices on weekends and evenings by appointment. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation.