The Attorneys To Call When You Are Betrayed By The Badge
Police officers are called on to maintain social order, but they’re not above the law. In the course of doing their job, police officers sometimes break the law by becoming violent themselves or engaging in another form of misconduct. They are not allowed to get away with it by hiding behind a badge.
Police Misconduct May Have Roots In Another Criminal Charge
Often, police misconduct cases arise in conjunction with other criminal charges. For example, someone could be arrested in a domestic violence situation or during another violent act. If a police officer uses excessive force when intervening to quell the original violence, this could constitute police misconduct. Our firm, Jacobs & Dow, LLC, is prepared to represent clients who are dealing with both a criminal charge and a potential police misconduct case.
To protect your civil rights and speak with a lawyer who works aggressively to hold police accountable when they overstep their rights, call our New Haven, Connecticut, office at (866) 221-1375, or use our online contact form to brief us on your situation.
Trust The Connecticut Firm With Experience And Perspective
At Jacobs & Dow, we handle more than 200 criminal cases a year. With more than 60 years of experience representing clients in Connecticut, we see many instances where police misconduct crops up from another criminal charge.
Police aren’t always justified in using violence or inappropriate restraint measures during an arrest. We know when police behavior crosses the line, and we don’t stand for it. Police misconduct can cause serious injury and even death, and it behooves no one to look the other way. Incidents of police violence are often caught on video with a bystander’s phone. If we can locate such footage, it can provide convincing evidence to bolster a case.
Protect Your Rights. Speak With An Attorney Today.
We offer free initial consultations during the week and on Saturday mornings. We are also available by appointment on Sundays, holidays and evenings. We value getting to know each client’s situation and strive to achieve the best possible resolution for every case. Call us at (866) 221-1375 to schedule a time to speak with us, or use our email form to relate your story.