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Pedestrians injured while walking on the street in Connecticut

On Behalf of | May 29, 2014 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents, Firm News

Summer is almost here and that typically means more people are out walking. Either as a mode of transportation or as a recreational past-time, enjoying a little sunshine is enough to brighten just about anyone’s day. Unfortunately, more pedestrians out and about also leads to a rise in auto-pedestrian accidents. Recently, two men were injured while walking on the street in Connecticut.

The accident occurred in New Haven earlier this month. Two men, who according to witnesses had the right-of-way, were struck by a vehicle that supposedly ran through a stop light. One of the men landed on his feet, while the other hit the ground hard. The current condition of both men is unknown. One of them was transported to the hospital for care; the other rode with him.

The driver deemed responsible for this incident supposedly tried to leave the scene of the crash. Witnesses were able to stop her vehicle and keep her there until police arrived. She denies any wrongdoing. At this time, authorities are still investigating the incident and charges have not been filed against anyone involved in the collision.

Pedestrians who are injured while walking on the street may file personal injury claims against the individual deemed responsible for their injury. If that person is found liable before a Connecticut civil court, financial compensation may be granted. As these accidents often result in the need for expensive medical care, time off work for recovery and rehabilitation time, this compensation can go a long way in providing for the monetary losses victims of a pedestrian accident endure.

Source: wfsb.com, “Pedestrians struck in New Haven”, Rob Polansky, May 22, 2014


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