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Study results for pedestrian accident deaths in Connecticut

On Behalf of | Mar 4, 2014 | Auto-Pedestrian Accidents, Firm News

Understandably, accidents between a pedestrian and a motor vehicle can have tragic results. Severe injury or fatality are generally the result of a pedestrian accident. With these accidents seemingly on the rise in Connecticut, the state issued a study to look into the numbers and locations of these accidents, searching for trends.

The results of the study, looking primarily at accidents that resulted in the death of pedestrians, have recently been released. Between 2010 and 2012, there were reportedly a total of 111 deaths due to pedestrian accidents. The most deaths were in New Haven County, with a total of 30 during that timeframe. Two roads that run from northwestern Connecticut to Hartford were reported to have the most fatalities.

Information from a study like this will prove to be valuable as authorities can now see where they may need to make changes to improve safety. This information will also help to provide further safety education to the public. At the end of the day, however, both drivers and pedestrians need to be cautious of their surroundings in order to prevent these accident from occurring. Unfortunately, negligence often plays a part in many of these accidents, so even the most cautious pedestrian may not stand a chance.

Those who have lost a loved one in a pedestrian accident should know they are not alone and may be able to pursue civil claims against the driver responsible. A wrongful death claim may be filed by the victim’s family in order to seek restitution. If the driver is found liable for the accident, a civil court in Connecticut could grant the victim’s family monetary compensation for the tragic loss of life.

Source: norwalk.dailyvoice.com, Study Looks At Pedestrian Deaths In Fairfield County, Finds Four In Norwalk, Eric Gendron, Feb. 24, 2014


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