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Victim of crash in Connecticut may seek financial compensation

On Behalf of | Feb 1, 2014 | Drunk Driving Accidents, Firm News

Car accidents caused by the actions of someone who decided to drink and drive are truly unfortunate and senseless tragedies. Sadly, accidents caused by drunk drivers occur all too often, and these accidents tend to result in serious injury or death to the victims involved. Connecticut residents who have been hit and injured by a drunk driver may be able to seek financial compensation for the injuries suffered and for any other financial losses they have incurred as a result.

Recently, a 51-year-old Connecticut woman turned herself in to local authorities for her involvement in an accident that sent her and another driver to the hospital with injuries. It is reported that the accident occurred when she crossed the center line of traffic and hit a pickup truck head-on. There has not been any specific details released regarding injuries suffered or the current condition of the victim.

While police were investigating the cause of the crash, they were able to obtain a warrant for the woman’s medical records. From these records, it was determined that her blood-alcohol level was above the state’s limit at the time of the accident. She was arrested and charged with DUI. She has since been released and has a court date set for a later time.

On top of the criminal charges this driver is facing, she may also encounter a civil suit for the accident. The victim of this crash may be entitled to file a personal injury claim in an effort to gain financial compensation for the injuries and losses they have suffered as a result. A civil court in Connecticut — if liability is confirmed — could award the victim monetary relief for the pain and suffering, medical and recovery expenses that have been brought about by this horrible event.

Source: wilton.dailyvoice.com, Greenwich Woman Charged With DUI In Wilton Crash, Vanessa Inzitari, Jan. 24, 2014


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