Although the use of alcohol will probably always be a part of society, the relentless effort by Connecticut authorities to keep alcohol away from driving has little effect. Daily reports about deaths and injuries caused by drunk driving accidents leaves one thinking that these efforts are in vain. One wishes that every drunk driver would pause to consider the consequences before he or she gets behind the wheel of a vehicle.
A 44-year-old male driver was recently southbound on Route 8 when he was rear-ended by another vehicle. This caused both cars to come to a halt in the section between the two directional lanes of the highway. The impact caused the front vehicle to roll over, and it was smashed into one of the concrete supports of an overhead bridge. That driver sustained critical injuries and subsequently died at the hospital.
The offending driver, whose condition was not mentioned in the report, is now facing charges of reckless driving while intoxicated, along with manslaughter. He is awaiting trial after being released on bail. People who are found guilty of driving while intoxicated could face serious consequences, including the suspension of their driver’s licenses, heavy fines or even incarceration.
A Connecticut citizen who has been injured in an accident caused by a drunk driver, or has lost a loved one in such an accident, may have the right to file for compensation in a court of law. Naturally, evidence will have to be presented to prove that the alleged drunk driver had caused or significantly contributed to the injuries or death of the victim. Successfully litigated cases may award monetary damages to assist injured victims and families of the deceased with expenses brought about by the tragic accidents.
Source:, E. Haven man accused of causing fatal crash, charged with manslaughter, DUI, reckless driving, No author, Feb. 23, 2014