A hit-and-run accident is a troubling event because it often leaves a victim injured without assistance. That is why there is law in place in Connecticut, as well as in other states, which requires anyone involved in an incident to stop and render assistance to any injured parties. Unfortunately, drinking and driving is often involved in such incidents as well and may be the reason for the flee in the first place. All of these facts potentially play into a Connecticut accident case involving a state lawmaker.
The state representation is accused of leaving the scene of an accident that she caused. On August 15th, she was driving her vehicle with a 13-year-old and 7-year-old as passengers when she collided with another driver at the intersection of North and Briarwood Avenue. She then left the scene according to witnesses. One individual flagged her down approximately six blocks from the incident. Authorities arrested her shortly thereafter.
Police officers did not give her a breathalyzer test at that time, stating she did not exhibit signs of intoxication. However, a lawsuit filed by the victim recently alleges that intoxication was involved.
Now the representative faces two forms of litigation, criminal and civil. She has until April 26th to accept a plea deal put forth by the prosecutor on her criminal case. If she does accept the deal, she will plead guilty to a charge of evading responsibility and face a suspended license as well as probation. If she does not accept, the case will go to trial. Separately, the victim filed a separate suit in civil court to recover monetary compensation for the injuries arising from the incident.
Civil litigation can offer an injured individual the compensation they need to move on with their lives. An accident can leave a victim with surmounting medical bills, substantial wage loss and much pain and suffering. Obtaining compensation for such losses is a justice the law often provides.
Source: CT Post, “Ayala crash case at crossroads,” Daniel Tepfer, April 2, 2013