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Distracted Driving In Connecticut

Distracted driving has become one of the most dangerous practices behind the wheel of the car. Whether it be putting on making, fixing hair or sending a text message, distracted driving means an individual’s eyes are off of the road and on something else. According to some, Connecticut law needs to provide harsher penalties for this dangerous behavior.

Distracted Driving

When looking at the effect of distracted driving, it is hard to understand why penalties would not be more severe. In the year of 2010 over 3,000 people were killed in distracted driving accidents in the United States. Despite raising public awareness, distracted driving remains to be a problem.

According to a University of Utah research study, those drivers distracted by a cell phone are more dangerous than those driving while intoxicated. These distracted drivers are eight times more likely to get in an accident than non-distracted drivers. Intoxicated drivers are only four times more likely to get into an accident over sober drivers.

Connecticut Law

Although distracted driving appears to be more dangerous than intoxicated driving, the penalties for intoxicated driving remain harsher than those for distracted driving. For a first offense distracted driving ticket, the penalty is $125. The second offense goes up to $250 and the third offense sits at $400. These penalties do not even compare with the penalties for drinking and driving.

Penalties for killing someone while distracted driving remain less harsh than those for killing someone while intoxicated. Many suggest changes in Connecticut law to reflect the seriousness of the issue. Creating stricter policies and including license suspensions with the possible penalties would be two such ways to do this that may deter more drivers from texting while behind the wheel.

Where to Turn When Distracted Driving is Suspected

When an accident occurs, the person who is distracted is found at fault. If a part of an accident and distracted driving is expected contacting an experienced personal injury lawyer is a step in the right direction. This lawyer will piece the puzzle together and do their best to hold the distracted party accountable for their actions.

In personal injury suits, an injured party may be able to claim damages for damaged property, medical expenses, missed time at work and pain and suffering. In order to pursue a personal injury claim, an injured party should consult with an attorney as soon as possible when an accident occurs.