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Motorcycle crash injures police officer

On Behalf of | Oct 24, 2018 | Firm News, Motorcycle Accidents

Though many Connecticut residents may consider riding a motorcycle to be a recreational activity, for some, driving a motorcycle is all in a day’s work. Some police officers suit up each day to patrol the community on a motorcycle. Motorcycles are fuel efficient and allow officers to maneuver in traffic easier than they could in a larger cruiser. Though equipped with proper safety gear, and trained to drive defensively, these officers remain at risk for injury during a motorcycle crash. 

Recently, one Connecticut officer was making his way through afternoon traffic at a busy intersection in Norwalk. The driver of a sedan attempted to make a left turn and struck the officer. Though he was wearing a top of the line helmet, the officer suffered injuries as a result. Local emergency responders rushed to the scene to render aid. 

The road was closed as the incident was investigated. Police reported that the driver responsible remained on the scene to cooperate. The police officer is expected to recover, as his injuries were not consider life-threatening.

A motorcycle crash can be a frightening experience for victims and their families. Motorcycle drivers are largely unprotected, and at great risk for injury or death when struck by a much larger vehicle. Medical bills, insurance matters, accident investigations and the inability to work because of injuries remain a great concern for victims. Often, an experienced attorney can help a victim make sure that the driver believed to have been at fault is held financially responsible for injuries suffered and property damage caused. 


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