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Pedestrian accident may have been intentional crime

On Behalf of | May 29, 2019 | Firm News, Pedestrian Accidents

Connecticut drivers know to use extra caution when driving in places where there is the likelihood of pedestrian traffic, such as a parking lot. Most drivers can probably recall a trip to a grocery store or gas station where a person on foot seemed to appear out of nowhere. In the event of a pedestrian accident, a driver and any witnesses should remain on the scene and attempt to render aid to a victim until help arrives.

Not all pedestrian accidents are so cut and dry. Recently, horrified witnesses recounted an incident in a parking lot that began as a verbal dispute and nearly ended in death. It seems that two persons were in the middle of a heated argument when one ran the other over with his sedan.

The driver then fled the scene. The man who was hit was left in critical condition and needed immediate medical attention for the injuries he suffered. Witnesses were able to give police a decent description of the aggressor and his vehicle, and law enforcement is making every effort to locate him and bring him to justice.

No matter the circumstances, a pedestrian accident can cause a victim to suffer serious injury. A victim may fall behind on bills because he or she cannot work due to injuries. Medical bills, physical rehabilitation and other matters can be quite expensive. Many victims prefer to allow an experienced attorney to step in and lend a hand. An attorney can help a victim seek any monetary damages and compensation to which he or she may be entitled in a Connecticut court of law, and ensure that the driver who caused the pain and suffering is held accountable for his or her actions.


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