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Does a helmet matter in a motorcycle crash?

On Behalf of | Feb 27, 2019 | Firm News, Motorcycle Accidents

Connecticut motorcycle enthusiasts, or at least some of them, may soon be required to wear helmets when out for a ride. Across the nation, roads are busier than ever, with many highways now having posted speed limits of 70 mph or higher. Now, the state is trying to decide on how to limit the injuries suffered in a motorcycle crash

Currently, Connecticut does not require motorcycle riders to wear a helmet, thought the practice is encouraged by health and safety officials. Pending legislation aims to change this policy. One proposal will require riders age 21 or younger to wear an approved helmet, while a second proposal seeks to require approved helmets for all riders regardless of age. 

At first glance, this may seem like a no-brainer. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that wearing a proper helmet can reduce the risk of serious head injury during a motorcycle crash. Some bikers back this thinking, stating that though helmets are not currently required by law, they wear one anyway, for safety. 

However, those that oppose the bill offer a different perspective. Many seasoned riders say that while a helmet may certainly reduce the risk of injury during an accident, wearing one may contribute to the cause of a crash. Some of these riders warn that wearing a helmet can reduce range of visibility and hearing, making travel more dangerous, not less. 

No matter how the legislation fares, one thing is certain. When a Connecticut rider is injured in a motorcycle crash, he or she may suffer serious injuries. If an accident is the fault of another driver, victims may have grounds to pursue a civil claim for monetary damages. In many cases, an experienced attorney can lend a hand to a fallen rider who is seeking justice for financial losses incurred due to the negligence of another. 


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