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Pedestrian accident kills local mother, distracted driving blamed

On Behalf of | Jan 17, 2019 | Firm News, Pedestrian Accidents

Connecticut drivers have been warned about the dangers of distracted driving. One might think that the people responsible for enforcing laws regarding unsafe driving may be more vigilant behind the wheel themselves, but this may not always be the case. In a recent tragedy, a local police officer was not paying attention on the road, resulting in a fatal pedestrian accident

Reports indicate that a local mother of three children was crossing the street on foot. As she made her way to the other side, she was struck by a vehicle. As emergency personnel and police arrived, they were shocked when the driver at fault was identified as one of their own. 

It seems the victim was struck by an off-duty police officer. The officer admitted that she did not see the pedestrian because she became distracted by a puppy in her vehicle, along for the ride. As she turned to wrangle the puppy, she crashed into the victim, a mother of three, causing injuries so severe that the victim died at Yale-New Haven Hospital despite life-saving attempts. The off-duty officer has been charged with negligent homicide in criminal court.

When an innocent Connecticut victim is killed in a pedestrian accident, surviving family members may be overcome by grief and shock. In this case, three children must now grow up without their mother because a driver decided to pay attention to a dog instead of the road. In similar circumstances, if a surviving family chooses to seek justice against a careless driver, an experienced personal injury attorney can help pursue claims for monetary damages in civil court. 


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