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Man dies in pedestrian accident

On Behalf of | Mar 21, 2018 | Firm News, pedestrian accidents

Accidents caused by distracted driving is a common occurrence. A driver’s attention can easily be diverted with texting, making phone calls, eating on the go or breaking up a sibling fight in the back seat. Unfortunately, serious injury or death can occur when there is a deviation from the task of driving. Recently, a Connecticut man was charged with taking a life of another in a pedestrian accident due to being distracted while driving.

In May 2017, the 64-year-old victim had pulled his car over onto the right shoulder of a curve on Interstate 84. The reason for his stop was not reported, but as he exited his car, the man was then hit by a 19-year-old motorist. Sadly, the elder man died soon after the incident.

The motorist has been charged with negligent homicide with a motor vehicle. Police determined the driver was distracted at the time of the incident. Though the cause of distraction was not specified, it was determined that the driver’s cell phone was not a factor.

As drivers allow distraction to interfere with their focus while on the road, the risk of causing injury or death in a pedestrian accident will continue to rise. Connecticut families who find themselves in a circumstance of losing a loved one in a distracted driving accident can file a wrongful death claim. These families can seek the aid of an experienced attorney for information and assistance in filing a claim. Although a loved one can never be replaced, with a successful litigated claim, family members can regain monetary value that was lost due to unexpected medical or funeral expenses, among other financial losses. 

Source: ctpost.com, “Newtown driver charged in man’s death on I-84“, Jim Shay, March 6, 2018


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