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Driver in fatal accident pleads to lesser charge

On Behalf of | Sep 28, 2017 | Fatal Motor Vehicle Accidents, Firm News

An unfortunate incident involving two motor vehicles resulted in the death of one person. The accident, which occurred in Connecticut, happened in Oct. 2016. A recent news story covered the details of the fatal accident and discloses more about the court proceedings. 

The man, who is from West Hartford, struck a car operated by an Avon woman with his vehicle in the town of Farmington. The investigation determined that the man was speeding when he crossed the center line and struck the woman’s car. The victim of the crash, the 66-year-old woman, was taken to the hospital where she died of her injuries. 

The man’s original charges included second-degree manslaughter with a motor vehicle. He was also charged with first-degree reckless endangerment. He was recently able to work out a plea deal, and the charges were changed to felony misconduct with a motor vehicle. Conviction on the charge can result in up to five years in prison, but the man has not yet been sentenced. He is scheduled to return to court in November for the sentencing. 

Sadly, a woman has lost her life in a fatal accident and her family is left without their loved one. The news report did not indicate whether the family has separately sued for wrongful death in a Connecticut civil court. An immediate family member who has lost a loved one due to the negligence of another party has this right, and may choose to seek an attorney’s help in filing and litigating the case. 

Source: Avon, CT Patch, “Driver Pleads Down for Fatal Crash That Killed Avon Woman“, Chris Dehnel, Sept. 26, 2017


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