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Distracted driving injuries and fatalities

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2015 | Car Accidents, Firm News

While most Connecticut drivers know that distracted driving is extremely dangerous, they may not know just how serious it can be. In fact, every day, it is estimated that nine people lose their lives in crashes that are caused by distracted drivers. Additionally, more than 1,100 people suffer injuries in associated crashes.

The number of fatalities directly linked to distracted driving crashes in 2012 was more than 3,300. An estimated 421,000 people suffered injuries that year in accidents that involved a distracted driver. While the numbers decreased slightly from 2011, a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that dangerous behaviors, such as texting or emailing while driving, is still widespread.

There are certain groups of people who are more likely to be distracted when they drive than others. Drivers who are under the age of 20 appear to be the most at risk as those in this age group are the most likely to be involved in fatal distracted driving crashes. Additionally, young people who ride with a drunk driver or drink and drive are more likely to text or email while operating a vehicle.

While steps are being taken to reduce the number of drivers who operate their vehicles while engaging in texting or talking on a cellphone, all motorists and vehicle occupants are at risk for becoming involved in a serious crash caused by a distracted driver. Should a vehicle occupant suffer a serious injury in such an incident, an attorney may use police reports and other evidence as part of a personal injury lawsuit to show that another driver was responsible for causing the crash.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Distracted Driving”, accessed on Feb. 2, 2015


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