Many individuals claim that their teenage years were the most exciting times in their lives. It can be time period when some people will experience their first sense of independence. Connecticut parents could be a little apprehensive about when to first allow their children the opportunity and responsibility of driving a vehicle. Unfortunately, there are some car accidents on our roadways that involve multiple teenage victims.
A recent crash resulted in serious injuries to an 18-year old driver and his three juvenile passengers. The incident occurred when the boy allegedly lost control of his vehicle on a Connecticut highway and ended up slamming into a utility pole. Upon arriving at the scene, first responders had to extract some of the victims from the car.
All four individuals suffered serious injuries and were taken to a local hospital. The driver’s injuries are said to be life threatening. Authorities are looking for any witnesses to this crash as their investigation continues.
If the 18-year-old Connecticut driver recovers from his critical injuries, he could still potentially face serious repercussions for this incident. His parents could also face serious consequences if the title of the car was in one of their names. Anytime that there is evidence to suggest that injuries sustained in car accidents were the result of driver negligence, then a victim can pursue a personal injury claim in civil court. Compensation as the result of a successfully litigated lawsuit could be applied towards any lost wages, rehabilitation costs and medical expenses that a victim has become subject to.
Source:, Four Teens Seriously Injured In Car Crash [Updated], Gary Jeanfaivre, Sept. 21, 2013