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What are the most common causes of wrongful convictions?

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2025 | Criminal Defense

Wrongful convictions are a serious issue in the United States, including right here in Connecticut. In recent years, wrongful convictions have made waves in the state courts. There have been successful lawsuits brought in response to the inappropriate criminal convictions of innocent individuals that have resulted in millions of dollars in damages awarded to those people.

Many people assume that anyone caught up in the criminal justice system must have broken the law. However, wrongful convictions are more common than the average person might realize. What factors contribute to wrongful criminal convictions?

Issues with evidence lead to wrongful convictions

In the vast majority of criminal cases that result in wrongful convictions, there are issues with the evidence used by the state. According to the Innocence Project, a nationwide advocacy organization that helps challenge wrongful convictions, the biggest cause of wrongful conviction relates to eyewitness errors.

Eyewitnesses can easily make mistakes when identifying a suspect. Roughly 63% of wrongful convictions involve a state case that depends on an eyewitness’s identification of a suspect. Another 19% of the acknowledged wrongful convictions involved informants, who have an incentive to help the state secure a conviction.

Over half of the cases, 52%, involved the state making mistakes regarding forensic science. Finally, 28% of wrongful convictions involve false confessions. Eyewitnesses may make mistakes due to trauma or pressure from law enforcement. Informants might exaggerate or outright fabricate information in the hopes of avoiding criminal charges or lessening their own penalties.

False confessions may occur because people become confused and discombobulated after hours of intensive questioning. They can also be the result of fear. People may admit to things they never did in the hopes of securing lenience regarding the potential penalties they might face.

What options exist after a wrongful conviction?

Those who have experienced a wrongful conviction may have options available to them to seek post-conviction relief. In some cases, they may be eligible for appeals. Other times, new evidence could potentially help exonerate them. In cases where people can prove that a wrongful conviction occurred, they may be able to initiate a lawsuit seeking compensation for the miscarriage of justice they experienced.

Learning more about post-conviction relief and wrongful convictions can be beneficial for anyone frustrated by the outcome of criminal proceedings. The path to justice is not always a straight line, but even those wrongfully convicted may have options available to them.


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